Here is an extract of a post from one such member which was posted on the members’ only forum of Wealthy Affiliate on 23 Sep 2009…
………….When I closed my books out last month (August) I realized that if September was even a decent month that I would break earning $100k in ONE single account.
When Clickbank updated their stats in the middle of the night last night, it really happened!
I have earned over $100,000 this year in just ONE of my earnings accounts in a little over 9 months.
Other than the price of domain names, hosting, and my time - that is FREE MONEY!
Oh. My. GOD!

I am absolutely floored.
I have many, many programs that I earn with. In fact, sitting in front of me I have (let me count....) - I have 6 checks from different programs that came in the mail this weekend - while I was out of town.
I also have more than one Clickbank account. I do this for many reasons (other products, keep PPC campaigns separate, keep me humble so I always know what $0.00 feels like, etc), but this is the Clickbank account I have been working since mid 2007.
I got my first check from Clickbank on this account on July 27, 2007 - it was for $202.92... and it took me FOREVER to even GET that first check. And now, within 9 months of 2009, that same account has earned me more than $100k.
Ok, Then.... HOW Did You Do It?
I started out with very, very little money to invest in all this. Things like buying a domain name and hosting were totally out of the question for me at first.
So, I had to fund myself and MAKE the money to be able to pay for the things I'd need to go deep into all this.
I started using free websites to make free web pages to get my affiliate links out there. I made web pages and made more web pages and made more web pages - figured out what I was doing wrong - then made more web pages and more and more and more.
Let's put it this way - I have SOOOO much stuff online that I have forgotten about half of it - well, that is until it earns me! Then I say, "What the heck is this money from? " and I go hunt it down.
After a few months... from like February until November... I was earning enough (not a LOT, but enough) to be able to take my online stuff to the next level - owning my own websites and building lists.
Slowly, all that started to compound, too. I also taught myself solid basics and a plan for entering any niche market with no investment on my part (other than my time). And, as you OWM owners know, that action plan became what you have read...and YOU now have solid basics and a plan, too =)
I started online February 18, 2007 so this has NOT been a short ride to "success" - and this ride is FAR from over =)
Don't be fooled into thinking organic/free marketing is the fast track to big money - heck, nor is paid/PPC marketing.
Good Story, But I Can't Do That...
I am SOOOO tired of hearing that - people telling me they can't. I hear it over and over and over - and I used to be the "Yes you can!" person.
Ya see, I am someone who shouldn't have been able to do this - but I believed that I could...and that was 80% of the battle. And that 80% you have to achieve on your own because NO ONE can do it FOR you.
Sorry, just some straight talk there coming from experience…
I hear people tell me they can't because...
They don't have a plan....
They don't have the tools...
They don't have the time...
They don't have the money...
They don't have the support...
They don't have anyone telling them what to do...
They don't know how to work the technology of the internet...
They're too old...too young...too tired...too confused...too busy....and on and on.
Look, if you're reading this here right now within the walls of
Wealthy Affiliate
Everything listed about is right here in WA. YOU just have to take the time to learn how to be resourceful with the resources that are right in front of you.
Make the most of what you already have...
and WA has a LOT there for YOU have a lot!
What's the secret?
I'm gonna borrow something that Tony Robbins says often...
"Be. Share. Do. Give."
In fact, that is the secret to life, isn't it?
This is one of those rare opportunities in life where nothing happens unless YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN. You are creating something with your own hands and brain. The ONLY thing that can stop you is YOU.
Go for it!
I think I've rambled plenty enough here so I'll hush now.
But holy WOW, I broke 100k in ONE ACCOUNT today!!!
Thank you for letting me share all this with you!
Ok - all.... get back to work!
All the best………………….
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